Whether you want to be the best in your friend group or start competing in Madden tournaments, there are many simple ways you can improve your game. It can be anything from paying attention to what your opponent does and making a halftime adjustment or as simple as noticing that your opponent is only running one play the whole game and stopping it. Also, other things can be done to take your game to the next level. Let's dive into it! 1. Know Your Game It might seem self-explanatory, but it is a very important first step that every player must take to start winning games. If you are a good passer, pass. If you are a good runner, run. Does this mean you can’t be balanced? No. Does this mean you can’t change once you make the decision? Of course not. But identity is very important. 2. Create a game plan Now that you know what you do well find a playbook that caters to your game. Even if you just have one play that you LOVE, start with using that playbook and build a gameplan around...
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