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Madden NFL 21: How To Run The Ball


Protect the Football.

In Madden 21, you must know how to run the football properly. Whether you’re playing offline in Franchise or going head-to-head in Madden Ultimate Team, running is likely going to be an important part of your game.

In this guide, we'll be walking you through how to run the ball in Madden 21 effectively to ensure you're always picking up yards no matter which running play you go to.

Precision Modifiers

Precision modifiers came into the game a few years back and offered players additional ways to use their moves. Designed for the best players on the sticks, these mod moves turn Madden into something more akin to a fighting game where you can chain together smart maneuvers while managing your stamina to leave defenders looking foolish.

Don't Keep Sprinting

Take special notice of this tip, as it's a cardinal sin of so many players. You may think sprint = faster and faster is better, but you'd be wrong. Sprinting burns your stamina and could lead to you overrunning your blockers at the line or downfield. Instead, save the sprint ability until you're in open space, or if you need to beat that last defender with a quick change of pace that will soon leave them in the grass behind you, watching you celebrate.

Learn Run Concepts

If you're looking to improve your ground game, it's necessary to familiarize yourself with the many run concepts seen in Madden 21. Once you recognize what their names mean, you can start to decode your playbook better, which in turn saves a lot of time. For example, a draw is when the QB drops back to pass and after a short delay, hands it off to the running back. These are good to use when you've got the defense thinking a pass is coming because it even looks like one for that half-second you need to trick them.

Protect the Football

Knowing how to cover the ball and protect it from being stripped away from you is important. You can use "RB" or "R1" on Xbox and PS respectively to cover the ball, which improves your chances of not losing it. Defenders can go for the strip with their button press, so when the game is on the line, or you've got a particularly grabby opponent, it's wise to get used to keeping it cradled.

Know Your Players

The last tip is to know who has the ball, their strengths, and their weaknesses. While all players have this large repertoire of moves available to them, it should go without saying that not all athletes are created equal and that's true in Madden 21, too. If you have a bruising back like Derrick Henry, using his truck ability or stiff-arm may be a wise choice, while the shiftier maneuvers like juking and spinning should be left to more agile backs like Christian McCaffrey. For most players, you'll want to peek at their stats or know them from real life and use them accordingly.

That's it for how to run the ball in Madden 21. If you're looking for more tips on dominating the competition, be sure to VISIT Here for a growing collection of guides. In addition, you can obtain cheap madden NFL 21 coins here. Simultaneously, 100% safe. With these coins, you will craft the perfect side!


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