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Showing posts from March, 2021

Madden NFL 21: How To Run The Ball

  Protect the Football . In Madden 21, you must know how to run the football properly. Whether you’re playing offline in Franchise or going head-to-head in Madden Ultimate Team, running is likely going to be an important part of your game. In this guide, we'll be walking you through how to run the ball in Madden 21 effectively to ensure you're always picking up yards no matter which running play you go to. Precision Modifiers Precision modifiers came into the game a few years back and offered players additional ways to use their moves. Designed for the best players on the sticks, these mod moves turn Madden into something more akin to a fighting game where you can chain together smart maneuvers while managing your stamina to leave defenders looking foolish. Don't Keep Sprinting Take special notice of this tip, as it's a cardinal sin of so many players. You may think sprint = faster and faster is better, but you'd be wrong. Sprinting burns your stamina and could lead...

Madden 21: Face Of The Franchise Tips

   Madden 21: Face Of The Franchise Those looking for a single-player experience in Madden NFL 21 will find it in the Face of the Franchise mode. It's a heavily scripted story mode, which sees you starting from the backup ranks of a college team and ascending to NFL stardom. However, much like the real game, it's not as simple as slapping on a helmet and walking onto the field. There are challenges and tricks to the mode that will result in either a bad career or a boring one if gamers aren't ready for it. So here we bring some tips that help the player get adjust. 1. How To Play For A Specific Team Although this decision does not occur until near the completion of the Face of the Franchise story, players that want to play for a certain team need to make a change before ever entering the mode itself. So players that want to appear on a certain team should select that team as their favorite in their profile. Go ahead and change it back after this part of the plot has occurre...

The Best Way To Get Better At Madden 21

  Whether you want to be the best in your friend group or start competing in Madden tournaments, there are many simple ways you can improve your game. It can be anything from paying attention to what your opponent does and making a halftime adjustment or as simple as noticing that your opponent is only running one play the whole game and stopping it. Also, other things can be done to take your game to the next level. Let's dive into it! 1. Know Your Game It might seem self-explanatory, but it is a very important first step that every player must take to start winning games. If you are a good passer, pass. If you are a good runner, run. Does this mean you can’t be balanced? No. Does this mean you can’t change once you make the decision? Of course not. But identity is very important. 2. Create a game plan Now that you know what you do well find a playbook that caters to your game. Even if you just have one play that you LOVE, start with using that playbook and build a gameplan around...