There are five different pass types in Madden NFL 21. Knowing when and how to throw them, as well as the risks involved with varying types of passes, is important for keeping your offense moving down the field. Now let’s dive into each pass type in the Madden 21 NFL game.
Bullet Passes
Bullet Passes are quick throws executed by holding down the receiver button. They are released the fastest from the quarterback and travel the fastest in-flight. They tend to be thrown around chest-height and can be deflected by defensive linemen if the receiver is within a few yards of the scrimmage line. They are more difficult to catch and intercept than other types of passes. Bullet passes thrown by poor quarterbacks tend to be inaccurate and difficult for receivers to handle.
To throw a bullet pass, you need to hold down on the icon that matches your receiver. For example, after the ball is snapped, hold down on the Circle button on the PS4 controller or “B” on Xbox One controller to bullet pass to that receiver.
Touch Passes
Touch Passes are normal throws executed by press-and-releasing the receiver button. They come out a bit slower than bullet passes but arc a little higher and are difficult for anyone not in the quarterback's face to deflect them prior to the flight. They are relatively easy to catch for both the offense and defense, but they tend to be the most accurate type of pass. If you're not throwing into a crowd, touch passes are usually the best option.
Lob Passes
Lob Passes are long, high-arcing throws executed by quickly tapping the receiver button once. They come out a bit faster than touch passes but slower than bullet passes. However, due to their high arc, they are impossible to deflect until reaching the receiver. Lob passes have the longest flight time and give both receivers and defenders plenty of time to get there. Lob passes are mainly used for any deep throw, but they're easy to defend against; you'll want to use them either for last-second desperation throws or when you have a streaking receiver wide open.
High Passes
These are particularly good if you’ve got a receiver with some height or if they are quite agile. High Passes are targeted above the receiver's head, and they are executed by holding L1/LB and pressing the receiver button. They have a slightly lower arc than a lob pass but will fly about as fast as a touch pass. This allows a receiver to make a catch with far less chance of interception against a defender who is shorter or lacks jumping ability. However, the receiver is at risk for being tackled immediately even if they catch it, and poor quarterbacks may overthrow the receiver entirely. High passes are best used when the receiver only has to beat one defender.
Low pass
Low passes are targeted at the receiver's thighs or knees, and they are executed by holding L2/LT and pressing the receiver button. This allows the receiver to dive and immediately go to the ground, significantly increasing the chance to make the catch while significantly decreasing the chance of an interception. However, because the receiver goes to the ground immediately, he'll be unlikely to gain any yards after the catch. Further, the low trajectory means passes are at greater risk of being batted down at the line of scrimmage. Low passes are best thrown when they need to be caught in traffic in the middle of the field, or you absolutely need to make the reception and don't care about yards after the catch, such as converting on a 3rd down when the receiver is already beyond the line to gain. Low passes tend to be underthrown if the receiver is running away from the quarterback; they're best used when the receiver is running parallel to the line of scrimmage.
Because the in-fighting timing changes based on pass type, it's advised to practice with each pass type is unimportant games or through Madden's practice modes.
The good news is there’s a specific feature built into the game that lets you practice the Madden 21 passing options. It’s a good way to become experienced as a passer before taking on tougher competition or diving into a season of games.
Here’s how to access this specific mode in the game:
On main menu, choose “Exhibition.”
Choose the “Skills Trainer.”
Choose your team for offense or press L2 on your controller for a random team.
Press “X” on PS4 controller, “A” on Xbox One to accept. The Skills Trainer mode will take a few moments to load.
On the Skills Trainer screen choose “Basic Offense 0/5 Drills.”
Choose the “Passing Mechanics” option.
You’ll be able to participate in five different tutorials to perform each of the passes: Bullet, Lob, Touch, High, and Low. You can repeat the drills as you like. Also, completing these training drills can help to earn Madden Ultimate Team packs or other rewards.
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