Madden 21 is the newest entry in the Madden series and has been released for a while. It's time to plan your path to domination in Ultimate Team. Ultimate Team (commonly referred to as MUT) is an online game mode in the Madden Series. The Ultimate Team's goal is to level up your team with different tiered trading cards as much as possible until you are satisfied with it, then compete online. This guide will provide tips for what to do first in Ultimate Team when the player. Scout Out The Solo Challenges The first thing you should do is look through the solos. There will be something that gives you a solid reward within the solos, so have a look and plot your best team early on so that you don't end up with a stack of top-end players that you can't auction or play. Pick Your Captain Right Team captains quickly become your best players in the early stage of the game. When starting up your Madden Ultimate Team (MUT), you will receive a MUT Captain after completing a series...
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