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NBA 2K21 MyTeam Season 2 Revealed Titled “Next is Now”

  Last week, 2K Sports had finally announced Season 2 of NBA 2K21 MyTeam and has named it, “Next Is Now.”  It was bringing new challenges, more rewards, and an all-NEW way to play. So what can you expect in MyTEAM Season 2? Triple-Threat Challenges A new way to play 3v3 in MyTEAM has arrived, with Triple Threat Challenges! It’s a single-player experience where you face three all-time greats with players from your collection. There will be 10 Spotlight challenges at the start, and more will be added as the season goes on. The reward for completing all of these challenges is a Diamond Rafer Alston, and it is also his first appearance in a 2K game. MyTeam Limited Season 1 let us all experience MyTEAM Limited for the first time. As everyone’s MyTEAM collections get deeper, the Lakers-inspired rings will be easier to get, showing up after just a few wins in Limited. And 2k is adding more unique and great rewards to improve your lineup each weekend. Accompanying Limited each weekend...

NBA 2K21: Guides For Hot Zones

    Hot zones are undoubtedly one of the most powerful features that you will want to unlock early on in your NBA 2K21 career if you want to stand a chance against other good players. What Are Hot Zones In NBA 2K21? The shooting area, starting from the three-pointer line all the way to the post is split into 16 different zones. With time, you can unlock each one, which will make your shooting from that particular area into the basket a lot more accurate. If you unlock the ‘hot spots’ near the basket, your scoring chances will also improve when you implement post moves when you try to outplay your opponents. Those ‘hot zones’ can be unlocked by simply shooting successful shots and scoring in the basket. You will also need to be playing real matches to unlock the ‘hot spots’ on the court. How To Find Hot Zones In NBA 2K21? The quickest and best way to check hot zones in NBA 2K21 is by simply checking your player’s stats. While in My Career, go to the menu screen, navigate to “St...

New NBA 2K21 Gameplay Trailer Offers Why Everything is Game

Earlier today 2K released a new gameplay trailer, this time captured from current generation consoles, which highlighted the game’s biggest stars. Particular attention is paid to another cover star in the shape of Damian Lillard, while the soundtrack is Stormzy’s ‘Audacity’. With the gameplay trailer just releasing today, 2K has so far not revealed many details about what tweaks have been made to the gameplay from last year’s installment. 2K20 probably had the best defensive mechanics of any NBA game ever, so they aren’t likely to tinker too much with that. However, They have clearly changed the jump shot meter, which now runs horizontally rather than vertically, and is clear with a dot rather than filling up with red. It looks a little bit more arcadey than previous versions, and the trailer did focus a lot more on skills and dunks than it did on the breadth of features. A sign that NBA 2K21 is pivoting towards more thrills and spills mentality, or just a flashy trailer designed to ca...